ADP Assessments
The objective of the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is to provide consumer centered support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities and to provide access to personalized assistive devices appropriate for the individual's basic needs.
Eligibility includes any Ontario resident who has a valid Ontario Health card issued in their name and has a physical disability of six months or longer. Equipment cannot be required exclusively for sports, work or school. ADP does not pay for equipment available under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or to Group "A" veterans for their pensioned benefits.. There are specific eligibility criteria which apply to each device category.
Accessing ADP
Initial access is often through a medical specialist or general practitioner who provides a diagnosis. In most device categories, an authorizer assesses the specific needs of the person and prescribes appropriate equipment or supplies. Finally, a vendor sells the equipment or supplies to the client. Most devices must be authorized by a qualified health care professional registered with the program. Registered authorizers work in hospitals, home care agencies or private practice.